Writing Up Your Research Project

Robert MacIntosh, Thomas Farrington, John William Sanders

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    For many people, their dissertation represents the largest piece of written work they will have had to produce to date. Writing tens of thousands of words is a qualitatively different problem than writing shorter essay or assignment style pieces. With scale comes the challenge of making sure that the document as a whole flows, is clearly structured and reads like a single integrated piece. In reality, you will find yourself writing different sections at different times sometimes months apart. It is not uncommon for these different sections to vary slightly in focus, structure or tone and this can mean that the final project reads as somewhat disjointed. The problem is that both projects and writing styles differ, so there is no single recipe for success. The research topic, methods, supervisors and your own way of working are all key aspects of developing a high quality document that will be assessed against the kinds of criteria set out in appendix 2.

    The purpose of this chapter is to highlight a few key points about the process of writing up your research project, as distinct from the process of doing the research itself, and offer some advice on writing effectively. Though obviously interrelated, it is worth teasing these two tasks apart since it can make the whole process more productive. The chapter begins with a look at mapping out your writing, before offering suggestions on how to find your focus and maintain it. The chapter then looks at overcoming writer’s block, rewriting and editing, and the use of technology. This is followed by a series of writing tips, before the chapter concludes with some practical advice on the relationship between you and your supervisor.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationResearch Methods for Business and Management
    Subtitle of host publicationa guide to writing your dissertation
    EditorsKevin O'Gorman, Robert MacIntosh
    PublisherGoodfellow Publishers
    Number of pages17
    ISBN (Print) 978-1-910158-12-8 Hbk, 978-1-910158-13-5 Pbk
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2015

    Publication series

    NameGlobal Management Series
    PublisherGoodfellow Publishers Ltd


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