Wideband bandpass filter with multiple reconfigurable bandwidth states

A. Miller, J.-S. Hong

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

8 Citations (Scopus)


This paper aims to develop a novel building block for designing tuneable wideband bandpass filters. The proposed circuit block mainly consists of short circuit coupled lines and short circuit stubs with pin diodes as tuning elements. This work aims to demonstrate a filter with four reconfigurable bandwidth states developed by combining two tuneable filter circuits designed previously. The filter has a fractional bandwidth tuning range between 13% - 33% centred at 2 GHz. The tested filter shows good agreement with EM simulations and improved insertion loss characteristics, compared to the previously designed filter.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication40th European Microwave Conference
Number of pages4
ISBN (Electronic)9782874870163
ISBN (Print)9781424472321
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2010
Event13th European Microwave Week 2010: Connectng the World - 40th European Microwave Conference - Paris, France
Duration: 28 Sept 201030 Sept 2010


Conference13th European Microwave Week 2010: Connectng the World - 40th European Microwave Conference
Abbreviated titleEuMW2010 and EuMC 2010


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