Utilizing Wollaston shearing interferometry to investigate the refractive index gradient in a differentially heated annulus: Verwendung der Wollaston-Scherinterferometrie zur Untersuchung des Brechungsindexgradienten in einem differentiell beheizten Ringspalt

Ahmed O. Erdogdu, Peter S. B. Szabo, Richard Carter, Mery E. Gevrek, Peter Haun, Florian Zaussinger, Bjorn Schulze, Martin Meier, Christoph Egbers

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Natural convection is studied in a differentially heated annulus with its axis aligned in the horizontal direction to induced the so called “crescent shaped pattern” of two axisymmetric counter-rotating convection cells. To investigate this particular temperature and flow pattern the Wollaston shearing interferometry is utilised which serves as the measurement system for the AtmoFlow project, a spherical shell that is designed to investigate atmospheric flow fields on the ISS planned to be launched in 2024. To be able to understand the measured flow fields in the sphere, ground experiments are carried out with the differentially heated annulus. For the sake of simplicity, the system is categorised in three classes, the initial isothermal state where only artificial fringes are measured, the conduction case with symmetric fringes and the convective state where fringes align with the crescent shaped convection pattern.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 7 Sept 2021
EventFachtagung “Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik” - Bremen, Germany
Duration: 7 Sept 20219 Sept 2021


ConferenceFachtagung “Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik”


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