Using virtual reality to rehabilitate neglect

A Sedda, N A Borghese, M Ronchetti, R Mainetti, F Pasotti, G Beretta, G Bottini

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    17 Citations (Scopus)


    PURPOSE: Virtual Reality (VR) platforms gained a lot of attention in the rehabilitation field due to their ability to engage patients and the opportunity they offer to use real world scenarios. As neglect is characterized by an impairment in exploring space that greatly affects daily living, VR could be a powerful tool compared to classical paper and pencil tasks and computer training. Nevertheless, available platforms are costly and obstructive. Here we describe a low cost platform for neglect rehabilitation, that using consumer equipments allows the patient to train at home in an intensive fashion.

    METHOD: We tested the platform on IB, a chronic neglect patient, who did not benefit from classical rehabilitation.

    RESULTS: Our results show that IB improved both in terms of neglect and attention. Importantly, these ameliorations lasted at a follow up evaluation 5 months after the last treatment session and generalized to everyday life activities.

    CONCLUSIONS: VR platforms built using equipment technology and following theoretical principles on brain functioning may induce greater ameliorations in visuo-spatial deficits than classical paradigms possibly thanks to the real world scenarios in association with the "visual feedback" of the patient's own body operating in the virtual environment.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)183-185
    Number of pages3
    JournalBehavioural Neurology
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


    • Activities of Daily Living
    • Aged
    • Computer Graphics
    • Exercise
    • Home Care Services
    • Humans
    • Male
    • Neuropsychological Tests
    • Perceptual Disorders
    • Psychomotor Performance
    • User-Computer Interface
    • Visual Perception


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