Using short videos to supplement lectures on organic spectroscopy, reaction mechanisms and polymer chemistry

Arno Kraft, Valeria Arrighi, Emma S Rankin, Cindy S G N'Da, Guillaume Hedit

Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article review


We have developed a series of short (5 – 15 minutes) videos to introduce students to topics such as curly arrow reaction mechanisms, spectroscopic techniques, and the polymerization of styrene. The videos are designed to supplement lecture courses or lab classes, as well as serve as a revision tool. As such, they help students who are struggling with lectures, who enter the undergraduate programme late, or who have simply forgotten elementary skills. The videos introduce students to the topic at a fast pace, emphasise key features, use simple "visual effects" and aim to entertain, but avoid the normal "Powerpoint" lecture style. More recently, a series of videos on aspects of polymer synthesis and characterisation were prepared by BSc (Hons) project students in their final year. Advantages and disadvantages of this approach, and the impact on student understanding and comprehension will be discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)-
Number of pages1
JournalAbstracts of Papers: American Chemical Society Meetings
Publication statusPublished - 28 Aug 2011


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