Urban stimulation and natural restoration

Sarah R Payne, Myrto Williams

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


    It is all too easy for people living in urban environments
    (urbanites) to get caught up in the busy hectic
    worlds of their lives. There is so much to do and
    enjoy, ranging from work, to playing and watching
    sports, cinemas, ballets, libraries, exercise… the list
    is endless. Each of these experiences provides stimulation
    for the brain and perhaps sometimes relaxation.
    In the urban world we are constantly bombarded with
    visual, acoustic, tactile, or olfactory sensory stimulation.
    Each of these demands our attention, processing,
    and response, be that to fight or flight, inhibit or
    Original languageEnglish
    Specialist publicationIonic Magazine
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2013


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