Ubiquitous social perception abilities for interaction initiation in human-robot interaction

Amol Deshmukh, Ginevra Castellano, Mei Yii Lim, Ruth Aylett, Peter W. McOwan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

2 Citations (Scopus)


Robots acting as assistants or companions in a social environment must be capable of sensing information about the location of the users and analysing and interpreting their social, affective signals in order to be able to plan and generate an appropriate response. Social perception abilities are thereby very important for the robot to evaluate whether it is appropriate or not to initiate an interaction with the user. In this paper we present the initial steps of the design of a ubiquitous social perception system for interaction initiation: users' social signals and expressive behaviour are analysed at different spatial locations and temporal instants. We propose an approach to evaluate whether it is appropriate for a robot to initiate an interaction with the user. We describe an autonomous algorithm to regulate the inter-entity distance between the robot and a person using visual face detection which can be used during interaction initiation and also discuss the role of memory abilities to remember what has happened throughout the interaction.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAFFINE'10 - Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Affective Interaction in Natural Environments, Co-located with ACM Multimedia 2010
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Event18th ACM International Conference on Multimedia ACM Multimedia 2010 - Firenze, Italy
Duration: 25 Oct 201029 Oct 2010


Conference18th ACM International Conference on Multimedia ACM Multimedia 2010
Abbreviated titleMM'10


  • Human-robot interaction
  • Interaction initiation
  • Interactive companions
  • Socially intelligent behaviour


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