Type synthesis and reconfiguration analysis of a class of variable-DOF single-loop mechanisms

Xianwen Kong, Martin Pfurner

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83 Citations (Scopus)


This paper deals with the type synthesis and reconfiguration analysis of variable-DOF (degree-of-freedom) single-loop mechanisms — a class of reconfigurable mechanisms that DOF may change. A method is proposed to the type synthesis of variable-DOF single-loop mechanisms by inserting two joints to a multi-DOF single-loop overconstrained mechanism. Reconfiguration analysis of a variable-DOF single-loop 7R mechanism is then carried out using the kinematic mapping and algebraic geometry method. The analysis shows that the variable-DOF 7R mechanism may have one 2-DOF planar 5R operation mode and one or two 1-DOF spatial 7R operation modes depending on the link parameters of the mechanism. Transition configurations between each pair of operation modes are also identified. This work provides a framework for further investigation on variable-DOF single-loop mechanisms.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)116-128
Number of pages12
JournalMechanism and Machine Theory
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Variable-DOF mechanism
  • Reconfigurable mechanism
  • Overconstrained mechanism
  • Reconfiguration analysis
  • Kinematic mapping
  • Algebraic geometry


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