Tunable vacuum-UV to visible ultrafast pulse source based on gas-filled Kagome-PCF

Ka Fai Mak, John C. Travers, Philipp Hölzer, Nicolas Y. Joly, Philip St. J. Russell

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171 Citations (Scopus)


An efficient and tunable 176-550 nm source based on the emission of resonant dispersive radiation from ultrafast solitons at 800 nm is demonstrated in a gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber (PCF). By careful optimization and appropriate choice of gas, informed by detailed numerical simulations, we show that bright, high quality, localized bands of UV light (relative widths of a few percent) can be generated at all wavelengths across this range. Pulse energies of more than 75 nJ in the deep-UV, with relative bandwidths of ~3%, are generated from pump pulses of a few μJ. Excellent agreement is obtained between numerical and experimental results. The effects of positive and negative axial pressure gradients are also experimentally studied, and the coherence of the deep-UV dispersive wave radiation numerically investigated.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10942-10953
Number of pages12
JournalOptics Express
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 6 May 2013


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