Transition from Passive Learner to Critical Evaluator through Peer-Testing of Programming Artefacts

Gudmund Grov, Mohammad Hamdan, Smitha Kumar, Manuel Maarek, Léon McGregor, Talal Shaikh, Joseph Brian Wells, Hind Zantout

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Offering timely feedback on programming while encouraging learners to engage in critical evaluation of programs are the objectives of peer-testing. We report on a peer-testing experiment with students on distant campuses using a Web platform. The experiment shows the potential that peer-testing has to help students transition from passive learners to critical evaluators.~~Keywords: Computer science education, peer testing, peer feedback, software testing, student transitions
Original languageEnglish
JournalNew Directions in the Teaching of Physical Sciences
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 8 Nov 2017


  • computer science education
  • peer testing
  • peer feedback
  • software testing
  • student transitions


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