Towards non-contact time-domain diffuse optical tomography

Ifechi Ejidike*, Michael G. Tanner

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


Near-infrared light has good contrast in scattering and absorption across different tissue types [1], diffuse optical tomography (DOT) leverages this by using computational techniques to reconstruct volumetric images of tissue absorption and scattering coefficients [2]. Rich data available in timedomain (TD) measurements enables high quality reconstructions but is victim to extremely long computation times, bottlenecked by finite-difference methods [3]. Non-contact methods [4] also suffer from this as the modelling amounts to a ray-tracing problem. Current DOT methods require specialised hardware to be worn by the patient [5] or the use of an intralipid to fill void space [6] which attenuates signal and can be uncomfortable for the patient. Non-contact DOT methods could realise a similar modality to CT and MRI which is familiar to both patients and clinicians. This enables multimodal approaches using structural priors [7], and compact single photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) could be easily integrated into such a system. Therefore, we present Diffuse Optics by Graphics Processing Unit Parallelisation (DOGPUP). A MATLAB toolkit which takes advantage of the parallel architecture of GPU hardware and the new CUDA support in MATLAB to enable fast simulation of non-contact TD-DOT detections, by decomposing the signal into a Fourier series [8] and using highly parallelisable Plücker coordinate raytriangle intersection tests [9]. We compare this to experimental data with a line scanning camera using a time-resolved CMOS SPAD [10].
[1]. Biomed Opt Express 11(3), pp. 1697-1706.
[2]. Commun Numer Methods Eng 25(6), pp. 711-732.
[3]. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 37(12), pp. 1845-1856.
[4]. Physical review letters 91(10), pp. 103901-103904.
[5]. Nature Photonics 8(6), pp. 448-454.
[6]. Medical Physics 32(4), pp. 1128-1139.
[7]. J Xray Sci Technol 25(3), pp. 341-355, 2017.
[8]. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 37(2), pp. 182-191.
[9]. Biomed. Opt. Express 1(1), pp. 165-175.
[10]. Opt. Express 30(15), pp. 27926-27937.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2024
EventPhoton 2024 - Swansea Arena, Swansea, United Kingdom
Duration: 3 Sept 20246 Sept 2024


ConferencePhoton 2024
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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