Topological t-duality for twisted tori

Paolo Aschieri, Richard J. Szabo

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We apply the C-algebraic formalism of topological T-duality due to Mathai and Rosenberg to a broad class of topological spaces that include the torus bundles appearing in string theory compactifications with duality twists, such as nilmanifolds, as well as many other examples. We develop a simple procedure in this setting for constructing the T-duals starting from a commutative C-algebra with an action of Rn. We treat the general class of almost abelian solvmanifolds in arbitrary dimension in detail, where we provide necessary and sufficient criteria for the existence of classical T-duals in terms of purely group theoretic data, and compute them explicitly as continuous-trace algebras with non-trivial Dixmier– Douady classes. We prove that any such solvmanifold has a topological T-dual given by a C-algebra bundle of noncommutative tori, which we also compute explicitly. The monodromy of the original torus bundle becomes a Morita equivalence among the fiber algebras, so that these C-algebras rigorously describe the T-folds from non-geometric string theory.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012
JournalSymmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA)
Early online date5 Feb 2021
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • C-algebra bundles of noncommutative tori
  • Mostow fibration of almost abelian solvmanifolds
  • Noncommutative C-algebraic T-duality
  • Nongeometric backgrounds

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Analysis
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Geometry and Topology


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