Three-layer analytical solution for wave attenuation by suspended and nonsuspended vegetation canopy

Long Huan Zhu, Qing-Ping Zou*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

9 Citations (Scopus)
108 Downloads (Pure)


A generalized three-layer analytical solution for the wave attenuation by suspended and non-suspended vegetation canopy is developed in this study. The analytical solution reduces to the two-layer analytical solution by Kobayashi et al. (1993) for the non-suspended vegetation canopy rooted at the sea bed. The present theory is verified using laboratory experiments and field observations of a suspended and non-suspended as well as emerged and submerged vegetation canopy. The wave attenuation increase with the drag coefficient, blade diameter and length, canopy density and length, the elevation of the bottom of the canopy and the incident wave height. The influences of wave frequency and water depth on wave attenuation are more complex. They affect the wave attenuation mainly by changing the wave flow velocity encountered by the vegetation canopy. As a result, the canopy vertical position has significant impact on the relationship between the wave attenuation and wave frequency.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 35th International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2016
EditorsPatrick Lynett
PublisherCoastal Engineering Research Council
ISBN (Electronic)9780989661133
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event35th International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2016 - Antalya, Turkey
Duration: 17 Nov 201620 Nov 2016

Publication series

NameCoastal Engineering Proceedings
ISSN (Electronic)2156-1028


Conference35th International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2016
Abbreviated titleICCE 2016


  • Analytical solution
  • Suspended vegetation canopy
  • Vegetation
  • Wave and vegetation interaction
  • Wave attenuation

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Ocean Engineering
  • Oceanography


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