The role(s) of gamification in knowledge management

Agnessa Shpakova, Viktor Dörfler, Jill MacBryde

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Gamification is a new, but an increasingly popular approach, which proved to be powerful in many areas, such as education and marketing, and has entered the area of internal corporate applications. This exploratory study is focused on a particular part of corporate environment – gamification being a medium of interactions of knowledge workers with each other. By providing a literature review of gamification and combining it with the exploratory case-study of an online retailer, Zappos, we demonstrate the ways in which gamification helps to identify various types of knowledge workers and influence their dynamics, as well as we open a wide range of areas for further research.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages40
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2016
Event16th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management - Paris, France
Duration: 1 Jun 20164 Jun 2016


Conference16th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management
Abbreviated titleEURAM 2016
Internet address


  • knowledge management
  • knowledge management systems
  • innovation
  • gamification


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