The role of relationships in perceptions of workplace dehumanization

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Dehumanization is increasingly recognized as a key factor in intergroup conflict and discrimination. Researchers have focused on the potential role individual relationships in shaping the way individuals view members of different social groups and the influence on dehumanisation. This study develops this theme and explores the relationship between adult attachment styles, TMX and LMX, and their role in perceptions of workplace dehumanization. TMX refers to the extent to which individuals perceive that members of different social groups share a common humanity, while LMX refers to the quality of the relationship between individuals from different social groups. Data was collected with a qualtrics online survey. Using a regression mediation analysis, the study found a relationship between these variables, with a sample of 88 professionals based in the UK. This study suggests a stronger relationship with adult attachment and LMX than TMX. It suggests that attachment and LMX may play a key role in shaping the way individuals view leader abd members of different social groups, and the extent to which they experience dehumanisation.


ConferenceInternational Conference on Psychology and Neuroscience 2023
Country/TerritoryUnited Arab Emirates
Internet address


  • Adult attachment
  • Workplace relationships
  • TMX
  • LMX
  • dehuminisation


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