The role of job uncertainty in inter‐regional commuting: The case of Italy

Angela Parenti, Cristina Tealdi

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This paper studies the evolution of the determinants of inter‐regional commuting in Italy in the period 1992–2016, during which the labour market has been significantly reformed. To capture the changes in commuting patterns, the analysis of the role of individual, job, firm, and regional characteristics is performed. Specifically, the focus is on the impact of job uncertainty at both micro and macro level, through the analysis of the way the diffusion of temporary contracts has affected the decision to commute for work. The findings suggest that in more recent years workers hired on a temporary contract are more likely to commute to another region. Moreover, the higher the relative share of temporary contracts in the region of residence, the higher the probability of commuting across regions. These findings support the idea that the strong utilisation of (short) temporary contracts represents a push factor, which drives workers away in search of better job opportunities, with potentially negative consequences for poorly performing regions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)634-671
Number of pages38
JournalGrowth and Change
Issue number2
Early online date18 Feb 2019
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2019


  • labour mobility
  • regional disparities
  • temporary contracts

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Global and Planetary Change


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