The role of generativity and attitudes on employees home and workplace water and energy saving behaviours

Victoria K. Wells, Babak Taheri, Diana Gregory-Smith, Danae Manika

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    Building on prior studies in environmental behaviour and employee micro level CSR, this paper examines the role of generativity, encompassing thoughts towards the well-being of future generations and contribution to future society, and specific environmental attitudes on environmental behaviour in the home and workplace. The paper examines the relationships between these variables, including assessing spillover effects between home and workplace environmental behaviour via a quantitative survey methodology, within the hospitality industry in Iran. Analysis using PLS found generativity to be important in determining attitudes and, in turn, environmental behaviour both in the workplace and the home. However, a spillover effect between home and workplace behaviours was not found. Thus, this research adds to the limited literature on CSR at the micro employee level in tourism studies and highlights the effects of generativity on home and workplace behaviours, as well as potential directions for internal social marketing campaigns within tourism organisations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)63–74
    Number of pages12
    JournalTourism Management
    Early online date6 Apr 2016
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2016


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