The effect of particle size on flow in a continuous oscillatory baffled reactor using CFD

Guillermo Jimeno, Yeaw Chu Lee, Xiong-Wei Ni

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Experimental and numerical characterizations of flow in continuous oscillatory baffled reactors (COBR) have mainly been based on single phase in past decades. By coupling a primary Eulerian liquid phase with a secondary discrete Lagrangian phase consisting of solid particles of given density and size, this work investigates the effects of particle size on axial dispersion, evaluates residence times and velocities of particles, and quantifies the oscillation dampening caused by the presence of solid particles in a COBR.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S258-S271
Number of pages14
JournalCanadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Issue numberS1
Early online date27 Mar 2021
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2022


  • Eulerian–Lagrangian
  • RTD
  • axial dispersion of solids
  • oscillatory baffled reactor

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Chemical Engineering


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