The effect of injection rate on fluid invasion patterns: Immiscible two-phase fluid displacement in 2D laser-manufactured micromodels

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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The physical process whereby an immiscible fluid phase replaces a second resident fluid in a porous medium is
characteristic of many subsurface processes that include remediation of non-aqueous phase liquids, enhanced
oil recovery, and CO2 storage(1). Therefore, understanding of fluid displacement mechanisms at the pore level
is essential to improve existing technologies in the petroleum and hydrology industries. The aim of this study
is to enhance our understanding of invasion processes of immiscible fluids at the pore scale. To do so, we use
laser-manufactured micromodels that are made of transparent, borosilicate glass substrates(2). Micromodels
are simplified, two-dimensional (2D) representations of natural porous media that enable direct visualization
of processes within patterned microstructures(3). An experimental visualization setup is used to vary
injection rates and observe fluid invasion patterns in immiscible two-phase fluid displacement experiments
in laser-machined micromodels. The components of the set-up include a syringe pump for fluid injection, a
uniform light source, and a camera mounted on a translation stage for image acquisition. To imitate reservoir
conditions, fluid displacement experiments are conducted at capillary numbers ranging from 9.5×10-6
to 1.9×10-5. Direct numerical simulations are a useful tool to improve our ability to predict the dynamics of
immiscible two-phase flow in porous media. Accordingly, in this work the micromodel visualization studies
are complimented with simulations and results from the experiments are used to validate the numerical models.
The Cahn–Hilliard phase-field method is applied for direct numerical simulation of the two-phase flow
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInterPore2019 Valencia Book of Abstracts
Publication statusPublished - 10 May 2019
EventInterPore 11th Annual Meeting - The Valencia Conference Centre, Valencia, Spain
Duration: 6 May 201910 May 2019


ConferenceInterPore 11th Annual Meeting
Internet address


  • CO2 Storage
  • Microfluidic Devices
  • Capillary Number
  • Flow Distribution Pattern


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