The development of a methodological approach for the use of UK climate change data for the design of rainwater drainage systems for buildings

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


There are a number of ways in which rainwater drainagesystems for buildings are sized. Fundamentally, however,all rely upon the specification and application of a rainfallintensity figure that reflects the geographical region inwhich the building is located and the anticipated durationof any given rainfall event. Most design methods interpreta rainfall event by equating this to a peak rainfall intensityfigure that is applied as a steady-state value. Little, if any,account is taken of climate change when specifying thisfigure. However, with the availability of state-of-the-artUK climate change projections data (UKCP09), it shouldbe possible to integrate change factors within the designprocess and to develop systems that better accommodatechanging precipitation patterns.Give that there are several ways in which UKCP09 datamay be used to identify the potential impacts of climatechange, and that guidance from advisory bodies is that themethod of data extraction and use should be matched tothe way in which the information will be applied, this paperpresents a proposed methodology for data users for whomthere is a need to better understand the possible changesin precipitation linked to future greenhouse gas emissionsscenarios.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of 37th International Symposium CIB W062 on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings
Subtitle of host publication25 – 28th September 2011 - Aveiro, Portugal
EditorsArmando B. Silva Afonso
PublisherAssociação Nacional para a Qualidade nas Instalações Prediais
Number of pages9
ISBN (Print)978-989-97476-0-9
Publication statusPublished - 22 Sept 2011
Event37th International Symposium CIB W062 on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings 2011 - Aveiro, Portugal
Duration: 25 Sept 201128 Sept 2011
Conference number: 37


Conference37th International Symposium CIB W062 on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings 2011


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