The contribution of the non-homologous region of Prs1 to the maintenance of cell wall integrity and cell viability

Eziuche Amadike Ugbogu, Sonja Ursula Wippler, Matthew Euston, Evelyn N Kouwenhoven, Arjan P M de Brouwer , Lilian Mary Schweizer, Michael Schweizer

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    11 Citations (Scopus)


    The gene products of the five-membered PRS gene family in Saccharomyces
    cerevisiae have been shown to exist as three minimal functional entities, Prs1/
    Prs3, Prs2/Prs5, and Prs4/Prs5, each capable of supporting cell viability. The
    Prs1/Prs3 heterodimer can be regarded as the most important because its loss
    causes temperature sensitivity. It has been shown that the GFP signal generated
    by an integrated GFP-Prs1 construct is lost in the absence of Prs3. In addition
    to interacting with Prs3, Prs1 also interacts with Slt2, the MAPK of the cell
    wall integrity (CWI) pathway. Lack of the nonhomologous region (NHR1-1)
    located centrally in Prs1 abolished the temperature-induced increase in Rlm1
    expression. Furthermore, in vitro point mutations generated in PRS1 corresponding
    to missense mutations associated with human neuropathies or in the
    divalent cation and/or 5-phosphoribosyl-1(a)-pyrophosphate binding sites also
    display increased Rlm1 expression at 30 °C and 37 °C and most give rise to
    caffeine sensitivity. Human PRPS1 cDNA cannot rescue the synthetic lethality
    of a prs1D prs5D strain because it lacks sequences corresponding to NHR1-1 of
    yeast Prs1. The correlation between caffeine sensitivity and increased basal
    expression of Rlm1 in the altered versions of PRS1 can be extended to their
    inability to rescue the synthetic lethality of a prs1D prs5D strain implying that
    impaired CWI may contribute to the observed loss of viability.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)291-301
    Number of pages11
    JournalFEMS Yeast Research
    Issue number3
    Early online date13 Mar 2013
    Publication statusPublished - 8 Apr 2013


    • cell wall integrity, PRPP, synthetic lethality, nonhomologous sequence

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • General Biochemistry,Genetics and Molecular Biology


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