Temperature transient analysis in a horizontal, multi-zone, intelligent well

Khafiz Muradov, David Davies

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceOther

    12 Citations (Scopus)


    Intelligent, or I-wells, are a core element in the delivery of the “digital oil field”. Numerous publications have described how their control and monitoring capabilities can lead to an increase in reserves. Such monitoring systems provide the data which, when analysed with the appropriate algorithms, is turned into real-time information; viz. the quantitative values of the multiphase flow rate distribution across the multiple completion intervals. This transformation of data into information is the first step in a real-time, selective, zonal production management methodology. A second use of this information is the updating of the reservoir model, providing improvements in the reservoir description, the production performance prediction and the reservoir depletion strategy.

    Temperature data plays an important role in downhole monitoring. It may be the sole source of downhole data or it may complement downhole, pressure gauge data. However, temperature data analysis workflows are less well developed than their pressure equivalent. Further, the installation of distributed temperature sensors is not always possible across the lower completion of many multi-zone, I-wells.

    To fill this gap we have set ourselves the target of developing transient temperature analysis techniques based on the use of data from discrete, relatively accurate, temperature gauges installed across each production zone. We recently reported our first step in this process, the mathematical basis for temperature transient analysis of a single zone. This paper extends our first step in the development of a comprehensive, temperature analysis workflow to the analysis of a horizontal, multi-zone, I-well.

    The workflow necessary to calculate the sandface temperature for each zone in a multizone completion will be presented. The novel aspect of this new workflow is that allowance is made for the affect of fluid flowing from deeper zones. Its utility will be demonstrated using a real case history.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages14
    Publication statusPublished - Mar 2012
    EventSPE Intelligent Energy International -
    Duration: 27 Mar 201229 Mar 2012


    ConferenceSPE Intelligent Energy International


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