Synthesis of Platinum-Triruthenium Clusters Using the Zero-Valent Platinum Reagent Pt(nb)3: X-Ray Crystal Structures of Ru3Pt(CO)11(P-iPr3)2, Ru3Pt(μ-H)(μ3-n3-MeCCHCMe)(CO) 9(P-iPr3), Ru3Pt(μ3-n2-PhCCPh)(CO) 10(P-iPr3)

David Ellis, Louis J. Farrugia

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


The complexes Pt(nb)3-n(P-iPr3)n (n = 1, 2, nb = bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene), prepared in situ from Pt(nb)3, are useful reagents for addition of Pt(P-iPr3)n fragments to saturated triruthenium clusters. The complexes Ru3Pt(CO)11(P-iPr3)2 (1), Ru3Pt(µ-H)(µ3-?3MeCCHCMe)(CO) 9(P-iPr3) (2), Ru3Pt(µ3-?2-PhCCPh)(CO) 10(P-iPr3) (3), Ru3Pt(µ-H)(µ4-N)(CO)10(P-iPr3) (4) and Ru3Pt(µ-H)(µ4-?2-NO)(CO) 10(P-iPr3) (5) have been prepared in this fashion. All complexes have been characterized spectroscopically and by single crystal X-ray determinations. Clusters 1-3 all have 60 cluster valence electrons (CVE) but exhibit differing metal skeletal geometries. Cluster 1 exhibits a planar-rhomboidal metal skeleton with 5 metal-metal bonds and with minor disorder in the metal atoms. Cluster 2 has a distorted tetrahedral metal arrangement, while cluster 3 has a butterfly framework (butterfly angle= 118.93(2)°). Clusters 4 and 5 posseses 62 CVE and spiked triangular metal frameworks. Cluster 4 contains a µ4-nitrido ligand, while cluster 5 has a highly unusual µ4-?2-nitrosyl ligand with a very long nitrosyl N-O distance of 1.366(5) Å.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)243-257
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Cluster Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2001


  • μ 4 -η 2 -nitrosyl
  • Alkyne
  • Allyl
  • Carbonyl cluster
  • Mixed-metal
  • Nitrido
  • Platinum
  • Ruthenium
  • X-ray structure


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