Synthesis and Reactivity of Fluorenyl-Tethered N-heterocyclic Stannylenes

Marta Rosello-Merino, Stephen M Mansell

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A fluorenyl (Fl) tethered diamine was synthesised by nucleophilic substitution of (bromoethyl)-fluorene with a diisopropylphenyl (Dipp) substituted diamine to give FlC2H4N(H)C2H4N(H)Dipp (1a) in good yield (85%). Lithiation of 1a with n-BuLi proceeded with coordination of the Li cation to the aromatic fluorenide ring (2), and with subsequent equivalents of n-BuLi, the secondary amines were then sequentially deprotonated. A fluorenyl-tethered N-heterocyclic stannylene (NHSn) was synthesised from the reaction of 1a with SnN′′2 {N′′ = N(SiMe3)2} as a neutral dimeric species (5), and this was deprotonated with LiN′′ to give the corresponding dianionic fluorenide-tethered NHSn (6). Reactions of [{Rh(cod)(μ-Cl)}2] with the mono-deprotonated ligand 2 led to the formation of a mixed-donor amide-amine Rh(I) compound (7), whereas reactions with the anionic NHSn 6 led to a Rh-fluorenyl complex of low stability with an uncoordinated pendent NHSn arm, which X-ray crystallography showed to be dimeric in the solid state.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6282-6293
Number of pages12
JournalDalton Transactions
Issue number14
Early online date4 Jan 2016
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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