Substitution versus full-Heusler segregation in TiCoSb

Maryana Asaad, Jim Buckman, Jan-Willem G. Bos

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Half-Heuslers (HHs) are promising thermoelectric materials with great compositional flexibility. Here, we extend work on the p-type doping of TiCoSb using abundant elements. Ti0.7V0.3Co0.85Fe0.15Sb0.7Sn0.3 samples with nominal 17.85 p-type electron count were investigated. Samples prepared using powder metallurgy have negative Seebeck values, S ≤ -120 µV K-1, while arc-melted compositions are compensated semiconductors with S = -45 to +30 µV K-1. The difference in thermoelectric response is caused by variations in the degree of segregation of V(Co0.6Fe0.4)2Sn full-Heusler and Sn phases, which selectively absorb V, Fe, and Sn. The segregated microstructure leads to reduced lattice thermal conductivities, κlat = 4.5-7 W m-1 K-1 near room temperature. The largest power factor, S2/ρ = 0.4 mW m-1 K-2 and ZT = 0.06, is observed for the n-type samples at 800 K. This works extends knowledge regarding suitable p-type dopants for TiCoSb.
Original languageEnglish
Article number935
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 12 Nov 2018


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