Structure of flexible telechelic zwitterions in solutions

W. Zaja̧c*, B. J. Gabryś, D. G. Bucknall, J. Xu, R. W. Richards, L. Hutchings

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


We have performed preliminary small angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments on a series of solutions of zwitterionic telechelic polysterene (ZT-PS) of low molecular weight, with the general formula: Br-Me 3N+-C6H4-[CH2CH(C 6H5)]n-C(C6H5) 2-(CH2)3-SO3 -Li +. In addition, preliminary SANS experiments were carried out. Polymers were dissolved in non-polar (toluene) and polar (cyclohexanone) solvents. Concentrations studied ranged from 0.5% gmol-1 to 16.8% gmol-1. We observed small differences in the structural factors above q = 0.5 Å-1 depending on the type of solvent. Below q = 0.5 Å-1 there is a significant upturn in the scattering, which changes with the concentration of the polymer and the type of solvent. Complementary SANS measurements showed a clustering effect for zwitterions in a non-polar solvent.

Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysica B: Condensed Matter
Issue number1-3 SUPPL. 1
Early online date7 May 2004
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2004


  • Polymers in solution
  • SANS
  • WANS
  • Zwitterionic polymers

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Materials Science
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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