Spontaneous symmetry breaking, oscillations, and chaotic regimes in bidirectionally-pumped ring resonators

Michael T. M. Woodley, Jonathan M. Silver, Lewis Hill, François Copie, Leonardo Del Bino, Shuangyou Zhang, Gian-Luca Oppo, Pascal Del'Haye

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Spontaneous symmetry breaking has been recently demonstrated experimentally in bidirectionally-pumped dielectric microresonators [1,2]. This process is mediated by cross-phase modulation due to the Kerr nonlinearity. We present comprehensive analytical and dynamical models for this symmetry breaking, with novel results in both time-dependent and time-independent cases, including chaos. The time-dependent system is described by the following pair of dimensionless coupled equations: (Equation presented) wherein ē1,2 are the (clockwise or counterclockwise) electric field amplitudes sent to the cavity, e1,2 are the (clockwise or counterclockwise) electric field amplitudes coupled into the cavity, and ∆ is the normalised detuning of the laser with respect to the non-Kerr-shifted cavity resonant frequency.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEuropean Quantum Electronics Conference 2019
PublisherOSA Publishing
ISBN (Electronic)9781557528209
Publication statusPublished - 23 Jun 2019
EventEuropean Quantum Electronics Conference 2019 - Munich, Germany
Duration: 23 Jun 201927 Jun 2019


ConferenceEuropean Quantum Electronics Conference 2019
Abbreviated titleEQEC 2019

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Mechanics of Materials


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