Soliton structure in crystalline acetanilide

J. C. Eilbeck, P. S. Lomdahl, Alwyn C. Scott

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

210 Citations (Scopus)


The theory of self-trapping of amide I vibrational energy in crystalline acetanilide is studied in detail. A spectrum of stationary, self-trapped (soliton) solutions is determined and tested for dynamic stability. Only those solutions for which the amide I energy is concentrated near a single molecule were found to be stable. Exciton modes were found to be unstable to decay into solitons. © 1984 The American Physical Society.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4703-4712
Number of pages10
JournalPhysical Review B: Condensed Matter
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 1984


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