Softening-based interface model and nonlinear load-settlement response analysis of piles in saturated and unsaturated multi-layered soils

Tuan A. Pham*, Sadegh Nadimi, Melis Sutman

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This work presents a simplified method for the nonlinear analysis of the load–displacement response of piles in multi-layered soils. As a starting step, a new interface model based on the disturbed state concept (DSC) is put forth to simulate the interface shear stress-displacement relationship by considering the nonlinear hardening–softening behaviour. In the new model, input parameters can be conveniently calibrated using conventional interface shear tests or on-site tests. The good agreement between predictions and experimental data from interface direct shear tests validated the performance of the proposed DSC model. The DSC model performed better in terms of predictions when compared to the hyperbolic one. Next, the soil-structure interface model and bearing capacity theory are coupled to provide a theoretical framework for the analysis of pile load-transfer in saturated and unsaturated multi-layered soils, where the DSC model is employed to represent base resistance as well as skin friction. This work also discusses the profile of steady-state in-situ matric suction, soil–water characteristic curve, and pore-water pressure of unsaturated soils. The proposed method has the advantage of being used in practice as it is simple to obtain input parameters from laboratory tests, as well as Standard Penetration or Cone Penetration Tests. The proposed framework is finally applied to the analysis of five well-documented case studies. The proposed approach and the static load test results from the field measurements are found to be in satisfactory agreement, indicating that the proposed method performs well. The proposed method is suggested to be utilised for preliminary analysis, planning a suitable programme of loading tests, as well as optimizing the pile design by back analysis of the load test results.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106331
JournalComputers and Geotechnics
Early online date27 Apr 2024
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2024


  • Analytical method
  • Bearing capacity
  • Disturbed state
  • Piles
  • Settlement
  • Softening model
  • Soil-structure interaction

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
  • Computer Science Applications


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