Smartening up the Student Learning Experience with Ubiquitous Media

Diana S. Bental, Elizabeth Papadopoulou, Nicholas K. Taylor, M. Howard Williams, Fraser R. Blackmun, Idris S. Ibrahim, Mei Yii Lim, Ioannis Mimtsoudis, Stuart W. Whyte, Edel Jennings

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This article describes how an experimental platform for social, mobile and ubiquitous computing has been
used in a wide-ranging longitudinal “in the wild” case study of the platform with a set of third-party services.
The article outlines some of the relevant aspects of the platform, including built-in support for community
formation, for context sensitivity, automated learning and adaptation to the user, and formanagement of privacy
and trust relationships. The platform architecture is based on the notion of Cooperating Smart Spaces
(CSSs), where a CSS is a partition of the platform corresponding to a single user and distributed over the
devices belonging to that user. Three of the case study services were intended for use in a physical environment
specifically created to support ubiquitous intelligence; they were highly interactive and used shared
screens, voice input and gestural interaction. Another three ubiquitous services were available throughout
the university environment as mobile and desktop services. The case study exploited this architecture’s
ability to integrate multiple novel applications and interface devices and to deliver them flexibly in these
different environments. The platform proved to be stable and reliable and the study shows that treating
a provider of services and resources (the University) as a CSS is instrumental in enabling the platform to
provide this range of services across differing environments.
Original languageEnglish
Article number23
Pages (from-to)1-23
Number of pages23
JournalACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications
Issue number1s
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2015


  • Ubiquitous computing
  • social networks
  • mobile computing


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