Skeletal mineralogy of marine calcifying organisms shaped by seawater temperature and evolutionary history—A case study of cheilostome bryozoans

Anna Piwoni-Piorewicz*, Lee Hsiang Liow, Malgorzata Krzeminska, Maciej Chelchowski, Anna Iglikowska, Fabrizia Ronco, Mikołaj Mazurkiewicz, Abigail M. Smith, Dennis P. Gordon, Andrea Waeschenbach, Jens Najorka, Blanca Figuerola, Melissa K. Boonzaaier-Davids, Katerina Achilleos, Hannah L. Mello, Wayne K. Florence, Leandro Manzoni Vieira, Andrew N. Ostrovsky, Natalia Shunatova, Joanne S. PorterNoga Sokolover, Robyn L. Cumming, Maja Novosel, Aaron O'Dea, Chiara Lombardi, Sudhanshi S. Jain, Danwei Huang, Piotr Kuklinski

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Quantify the contribution of environmental factors (water temperature, salinity and depth) and evolutionary history to varied skeletal mineralogy in calcifying marine organisms.

Global Ocean.

Time period

Major taxa studied
Order: Cheilostomatida; Phylum: Bryozoa.

We employed X-ray diffraction (XRD) to analyse the skeletal mineral composition of 872 individual colonies, representing 437 bryozoan species, in terms of calcite/aragonite ratios. We integrated these data with equivalent published data, thus reaching 981 species, and applied linear models (LMs), generalized linear models (GLMs) and phylogenetic generalized least squares models (PGLSs) to investigate the influences of temperature, salinity, depth and phylogenetic history on the mineralogy of nearly 1000 cheilostome bryozoan species.

Cheilostome bryozoans vary considerably in their skeletal mineral composition: in our dataset 65% of the species possess purely calcite skeletons, 15% exclusively employ aragonite and 20% exhibit mixed (i.e. calcite and aragonite) mineralogies. Temperature is the predominant measured environmental factor influencing bryozoan skeletal mineralogy, accounting for 20% of its variability across species, when phylogenetic relatedness is unaccounted for. Bryozoans in lower latitudes, characterized by higher seawater temperatures, have higher aragonite concentrations. By accounting for phylogenetic structure using a subset of 87 species for which we have topological information, 40% of the observed mineralogical variability could be attributed to present-day temperature. In contrast, depth and salinity played minor roles, explaining less than 1% of the mineralogical variation each.

Main conclusions
This study emphasizes the influence of evolutionary history on the mineralogical variability of calcifying organisms, even when it can be shown that a single environmental factor (temperature) explains a substantial amount of this variability. When confronted with changing temperature, calcifiers such as bryozoans are likely to respond in diverse ways, depending on the species, given their phylogenetic relatedness and the external conditions they meet.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere13874
JournalGlobal Ecology and Biogeography
Issue number8
Early online date6 Jun 2024
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2024


  • aragonite
  • biomineralization
  • calcifiers
  • calcite
  • marine invertebrates
  • phylogeny
  • skeleton


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