Shear Behaviour of Steel-Fibre-Reinforced Concrete Beams

Sharifah M. Syed Mohsin, A. Abbas, Demetrios M. Cotsovos

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The present work sets out to investigate the potential advantages of adding steel fibres to the concrete mix in order to enhance the structural response of concrete structures. In particular, the shear behaviour of steel-fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) beams was studied using Nonlinear Finite-Element Analysis (NLFEA). The work aimed at assessing the potential of using steel fibres to reduce the amount of conventional steel reinforcement without compromising
ductility and strength requirements set out in design codes. To achieve this, the spacing between shear links was increased while steel fibres were added to see whether or not theloss of shear strength can be compensated for in this way. This can speed construction as laying out shear links can be time consuming. It is also useful in situations where the amount of shear reinforcement required can lead to congestion of shear links.
Emphasis was initially focused on the analysis of available experimental data describing the effect of steel fibres on key material properties such as the tensile strength, pull-outbehaviour and the stress-strain curve describing the behaviour of SFRC before and after cracking. Subsequently, a suitable constitutive model was selected which allowed for the salient features of SFRC behaviour namely: the fibre length, the ratio between its length and diameter, the fibre content (expressed as a volume fraction) as well as the bond strength
between fibres and surrounding concrete. The material model was then implemented into a well known commercial NLFEA package (ABAQUS). The numerical model was carefully calibrated against existing experimental data to ensure the reliability of its predictions. Parametric studies were subsequently carried out. The study provided insight into how the steel fibres can help reduce the amount of conventional shear links.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2012
Event11th International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology 2012 - University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Duration: 12 Jun 201213 Jun 2012


Conference11th International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology 2012
Abbreviated titleCONCET2012
CityKuala Lumpur
Internet address


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