Self-Assembly of Chiral Porous Metal-Organic Polyhedra from Trianglsalen Macrocycles

Donglin He, Heng Ji, Tao Liu, Miao Yang, Rob Clowes, Marc A. Little, Ming Liu, Andrew I. Cooper*

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Metal–organic polyhedra (MOPs) can exhibit tunable porosity and functionality, suggesting potential for applications such as molecular separations. MOPs are typically constructed by the bottom-up multicomponent self-assembly of organic ligands and metal ions, and the final functionality can be hard to program. Here, we used trianglsalen macrocycles as preorganized building blocks to assemble octahedral-shaped MOPs. The resultant MOPs inherit most of the preorganized properties of the macrocyclic ligands, including their well-defined cavities and chirality. As a result, the porosity in the MOPs could be tuned by modifying the structure of the macrocycle building blocks. Using this strategy, we could systematically enlarge the size of the MOPs from 26.3 to 32.1 Å by increasing the macrocycle size. The family of MOPs shows experimental surface areas of up to 820 m2/g, and they are stable in water. One of these MOPs can efficiently separate the rare gases Xe from Kr because the prefabricated macrocyclic windows of MOPs can be modified to sit at the Xe/Kr size cutoff range.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)17438–17445
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
Issue number25
Early online date11 Jun 2024
Publication statusPublished - 26 Jun 2024


  • cavities
  • crystal structure
  • ligands
  • macrocycles
  • solvents


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