Scaling Deep Learning for Material Imaging: A Pseudo-3d Model for Tera-Scale 3d Domain Transfer

Kunning Tang, Ryan Armstrong, Peyman Mostaghimi, Yufu Niu, Quentin Meyer, Chuan Zhao, Donal Finegan, Melissa Popeil, Kamaljit Singh, Hannah Menke, Alexandros Patsoukis Dimou, Tom Bultreys, Arjen Mascini, Mark Knackstedt, Ying Da Wang

Research output: Working paperPreprint


The characterisation of the internal 3-dimensional (3D) structure of complex materials has been revolutionised with the use of deep-learning artificial intelligence. However, this process often requires neural networks that must be trained every time and remains computationally limited to 2D or relatively small 3D domains (10^8 voxels). Herein, we introduce a Pseudo-3D domain transfer network (P3T-Net) for transfer capable of inference on domains approaching the tera-scale (10^12 voxels), solving domain mismatch between trained networks and other inference inputs, third-axis misalignment of 2D networks on 3D data, and the limited inference size of memory-inefficient 3D networks on large-scale 3D data. Solving these interconnected challenges has enabled to use deep learning for multi-modal 3D large-scale nano/micro-CT imaging. Significant applications of domain transfer are demonstrated with both pixelwise accuracy and validation of physical metrics. These include (i) image quality enhancement of fast-scan for geological rock and hydrogen fuel cells, (ii) transferring single-mode images to dual-mode quality for lithium-ion battery which reduces the imaging time by 60%, (iii) accurate multi-label segmentation of images under different imaging conditions, and (iv) efficient large-scale 3D inference (10^12 voxels) on a single GPU. The outcomes of each application highlight the ability of P3T-Net to accurately and efficiently transfer 3D cross-domain images for a variety of materials in diverse conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 27 Apr 2024


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