Reservoir simulator-friendly model of fluid-selective, downhole flow control completion performance

Khafiz Muradov, Eltazy Eltaher, David Roland Davies

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Wells with long production/injection intervals (e.g. horizontal or multi-lateral wells) can be equipped with flow control completion (FCC), which allows zonal control of in/out-flow and is a proven method to improve sweep efficiency, extend well life, and reduce the production volumes of unwanted fluids. The application of FCC is essential to development of many oil fields with complex geology, uncertain reservoir description, close to contact completions or unfavourable mobility ratio. FCC technology keeps developing, for instance the recently introduced Autonomous Inflow Control Device (AICD) or Valve (AICV) strongly reacts to unwanted phases (gas or water) restricting their flow in-situ, which improves recovery as well as reduces the volume of unwanted fluids and the production uncertainty. This paper presents a novel approach to incorporate into a reservoir simulator the flow performance of a downhole flow control completion equipped with flow control devices discriminating flowing fluids, e.g. reacting to water/gas flow distinctly differently than to oil. AICDs and AICVs are examples of such devices. The novel approach is verified by numerical simulation and is further compared against the traditional modelling approach on a reservoir model. In the case of oil and water/gas flow, the multi-modal response of the device is new in the industry, and the reservoir simulators are not yet up-to-date to model such performance. The segregated flow in the annulus results in the device(s) reacting sequentially to either oil or water/gas, as opposed to the “homogeneous flow” modelling approach that is traditionally assumed in reservoir simulators. Capturing the sequential reaction of the device to either oil or water/gas in a reservoir simulator is challenging. The equations derived here solve this problem, and offer a more accurate way of modelling autonomous flow control completion performance in a commercial reservoir simulator. This work is an important contribution to the advanced well completion technology modelling and evaluation. This technology is likely to define the future of advanced wells.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)140-154
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Early online date7 Mar 2018
Publication statusPublished - May 2018


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