Research on core homelessness and homeless projections: Technical report on new baseline estimates and scenario projections

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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*The report will be published on March 1st 2021*

This technical report presents new estimates of the level and composition of core homelessness in England in 2018-19, preceding the onset of the Covid-19 emergency. It goes on to present consistent projections of these numbers over the period to 2041, paying particular attention to the immediate period (2020-2021), and comparing with estimated changes since 2021. These projections consider a ‘No Covid’/’Business as Usual’ scenario, and scenarios with Covid (including initial Government responses). These scenarios consider a range of policy suggestions and possible economic developments. This is the central and critical output from this research which underpins Crisis’s public pronouncements in December 2020 while also forming and important part of the Homelessness Monitor for England being published in early 2021.

Original languageEnglish
PublisherHeriot-Watt University
Commissioning bodyCrisis
Number of pages87
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2021


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