Refocusing – building a future for entrepreneurial education and learning

David Higgins, Laura Galloway

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    13 Citations (Scopus)
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    The field of entrepreneurship has struggled with fundamental questions concerning the subject's nature and purpose. To whom and to what means are educational and training agendas ultimately directed? Such questions have become of central importance to policy makers, practitioners and academics alike. There are suggestions that university business schools should engage more critically with the lived experiences of practising entrepreneurs through alternative pedagogical approaches and methods, seeking to account for and highlighting the social, political and moral aspects of entrepreneurial practice. In the UK, where funding in higher education has become increasingly dependent on student fees, there are renewed pressures to educate students for entrepreneurial practice as opposed to educating them about the nature and effects of entrepreneurship. Government and EU policies are calling on business schools to develop and enhance entrepreneurial growth and skill sets, to make their education and training programmes more proactive in providing innovative educational practices which help and facilitate life experiences and experiential learning. This paper makes the case for critical frameworks to be applied so that complex social processes become a source of learning for educators and entrepreneurs and so that innovative pedagogical approaches can be developed in terms both of context (curriculum design) and process (delivery methods).
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)449
    Number of pages457
    JournalIndustry and Higher Education
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 9 Dec 2014



    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • General Business,Management and Accounting


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