Real-Time 3D Modeling for Accelerated and Safer Construction Using Emerging Technology

Jochen Teizer, Changwan Kim, Frederic Nicolas Bosche, Carl T. Haas, Carlos Caldas

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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    The research presented in this paper enables real-time 3D modeling to help make construction processes ultimately faster, more predictable and safer. Initial research efforts used an emerging sensor technology and proved its usefulness in the acquisition of range information for the detection and efficient representation of static and moving objects. Based on the time-of-flight principle, the sensor acquires range and intensity information of each image pixel within the entire sensor’s field-of-view in real-time with frequencies of up to 30 Hz. However, real-time working range data processing algorithms need to be developed to rapidly process range information into meaningful 3D computer models. This research ultimately focuses on the application of safer heavy equipment operation. The paper compares (a) a previous research effort in convex hull modeling using sparse range point clouds from a single laser beam range finder, to (b) high-frame rate update Flash LADAR (Laser Detection and Ranging) scanning for complete scene modeling. The presented research will demonstrate if the FlashLADAR technology can play an important role in real-time modeling of infrastructure assets in the near future.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication1st International Conference on Construction Engineering and Management (ICCEM)
    Place of PublicationSeoul, Korea
    Publication statusPublished - 2005


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