RADAR Trainees' Handbook: Anti-hate communication tools in an intercultural perspective

Koffi Dossou, Gabriella Klein, Katerina Strani, Enrico Caniglia, Andrea Ravenda

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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The present Handbook for trainees is the product of a two-year project (2014-2016) named “RADAR – Regulating AntiDiscrimination and AntiRacism”, which was co-funded by the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme of the European Union1.
The project included nine partners from six EU countries: Finland, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom2.
The training is intended to be delivered in the form of a workshop in which you will bring in your expertise from different fields: as lawyers, judges, law enforcement officers, people who have experienced racism, intercultural mediators working with people who have experienced hate crime, teachers, social workers, journalists and others.
No particular pre-work is required, although it would be advisable to register, familiarise yourself with and work with the RADAR online platform. This includes downloading material for reflection, completing exercises and uploading them in the relevant folder (Dropbox). You can register on the RADAR online platform, which also includes the project’s comparative analyses and deliverables3.
A self-assessment of your learning outcomes is carried out at the end of the workshop.
The following questions will be answered:
1.1. Why a workshop on hate communication?
1.2. Why the RADAR workshop?
1.3. What can you learn from the RADAR workshop?
1.4. Which learning methods will be applied?
1.5. Certificate(s) issued
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPerugia, Italy
PublisherKey & Key Communications, Perugia, Italy
Number of pages26
ISBN (Electronic)978-88-95887-24-1
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • race
  • hate communication
  • hate speech
  • discrimination


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