Quantum Properties of Dichroic Silicon Vacancies in Silicon Carbide

Roland Nagy, Matthias Widmann, Matthias Niethammer, Durga B. R. Dasari, Ilja Gerhardt, Öney O. Soykal, Marina Radulaski, Takeshi Oshima, Jelena Vučković, Nguyen Tien Son, Ivan G. Ivanov, Sophia E. Economou, Cristian Bonato, Sang-Yun Lee, Jörg Wrachtrup

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Although various defect centers have displayed promise as either quantum sensors, single photon emitters, or light-matter interfaces, the search for an ideal defect with multifunctional ability remains open. In this spirit, we study the dichroic silicon vacancies in silicon carbide that feature two well-distinguishable zero-phonon lines and analyze the quantum properties in their optical emission and spin control. We demonstrate that this center combines 40% optical emission into the zero-phonon lines showing the contrasting difference in optical properties with varying temperature and polarization, and a 100% increase in the fluorescence intensity upon the spin resonance, and long spin coherence time of their spin-3/2 ground states up to 0.6 ms. These results single out this defect center as a promising system for spin-based quantum technologies.
Original languageEnglish
Article number034022
JournalPhysical Review Applied
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 23 Mar 2018


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