Quandles as pre-Lie skew braces, set-theoretic Hopf algebras & universal R-matrices

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We present connections between left non-degenerate solutions of the set-theoretic braid equation and left shelves using Drinfel’d homomorphisms. We generalize the notion of affine quandle, by using heap endomorphisms and metahomomorphisms, and identify the underlying Yang-Baxter algebra for solutions of the braid equation associated to a given quandle. We introduce the notion of the pre-Lie skew brace and identify certain affine quandles that give rise to pre-Lie skew braces. Generalisations of the braiding of a group, associated to set-theoretic solutions of the braid equation are also presented. These generalized structures encode part of the underlying Hopf algebra. We then introduce the quasi-triangular (quasi) Hopf algebras and universal R-matrices for rack andset-theoretic algebras. Generic set-theoretic solutions coming from heap endomorphisms are also identified.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 4 Sept 2024


  • math.QA
  • math-ph
  • math.MP
  • math.RA


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