Properties of partially denatured whey protein products 2: Solution flow properties

Zhuo Zhang, Valeria Arrighi, Lydia Johanna Campbell, Julien Lonchamp, Stephen Robert Euston

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Partial denaturation of whey protein concentrates has been used to make protein powders with differing viscosity properties. PDWPC particles have been manufactured to have a range of aggregate sizes (3.3 -17 μm) and structures (compact particle gel to open fibrillar gel). In solution the PDWPC samples show complex viscosity behaviour dependant on the size and morphology of the PDWPC aggregate particles. For the same protein content the compact particles have a lower viscosity than open, fibrillar particles. The viscosity also appears to depend on the surface structure of the particles, with particles of a similar size, but having a rougher surface giving higher viscosity than similar smooth particles. The viscosity of the WPC, MPWPC and PDWPC solutions are explained in terms of the postulated interactions between the protein aggregates in solution.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)218–226
JournalFood Hydrocolloids
Early online date22 Dec 2015
Publication statusPublished - May 2016


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