Projects: where strategies collide

Amos Peter Haniff, Scott Fernie

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    Projectification of the organisational world has resulted in apparent agreement that projects and project management are an efficient means of implementing organisational strategy. By way of a significant critique of the literature, this paper seeks to explore the content, limitations and inherent problems of strategic alignment, particularly within the construction sector. The paper is presented in three main sections. The first section attempts to bring clarity to how projects and project management are defined. This is complimented with an exploration of the connections between projects, project management and organisational strategy. The second section explores and deconstructs the assumptions underpinning the concept of strategic alignment. The final section of the paper presents a discussion and a number of research propositions regarding strategic alignment in the context of the construction sector. The paper concludes with a model of strategic collision that contradicts and challenges the current assumptions and orthodox view presented in the literature.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2008 Joint CIB WO65/WO55 Symposium
    Subtitle of host publicationTransformation Through Construction
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


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