Procurement Efficiencies: Monitoring and Evaluation of Devanha Phase 2: Final Report

James Morgan, Graeme Bowles, Kate Carter, Anna Evans

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


    Devanha Phase 2 was a bulk procurement initiative which aimed to produce cost and grant efficiencies while delivering high quality development. It involved a collaborative approach to development. Through the use of a framework agreement and NEC form of contract, Devanha aimed to demonstrate a change of style, culture and process which would lead to greater efficiency.

    Devanha did not meet its works cost targets as set out in the Offer of Grant. It had greater success as a vehicle for building to a high quality although success was limited by the lack of full implementation of a standard specification. The considerable change in the economic climate adversely affected Devanha’s ability to achieve its targets and highlighted the importance of independent inflation monitoring in future programmes.

    Through trialling an innovative approach, Devanha shed light on a variety of key lessons for the efficient delivery of an affordable housing programme. Perhaps the most important of these relate to the key role of leadership and governance structure of a collaborative organisation. The readiness of project teams to implement novel forms of contract needs to be considered if the benefits of these approaches are to be realised. Effective and timely data collection and monitoring systems for management and incentivisation were shown to be important. Devanha also highlighted the need for fuller implementation of a standard specification at an early stage to improve quality and take advantage of any bulk procurement opportunities.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationEdinburgh
    PublisherThe Scottish Government
    Commissioning bodyScottish Government
    Number of pages80
    ISBN (Print)9781782562948
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2012

    Publication series

    NameSocial Research series
    ISSN (Print)2045-6964


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