Predictions of in-tube circulation models compared to performance of an experimental kettle reboiler bundle

H. A. Hadi, B. M. Burnside

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

2 Citations (Scopus)


A kettle reboiler recirculation model has been developed. To permit the use of established relationships between two-phase flow parameters the model is based on similarity between in-tube vertical flow and crossflow over the bundle. Existing in-tube criteria for flow transitions are incorporated. The model is compared with existing crossflow circulation models and with uniform heat flux experimental data from a 241 tube thin slice boiler rig boiling R113 at atmospheric pressure, including some observations of liquid and vapour velocities. Good agreement is obtained at heat flux densities of 15 and 20 kW/m2. Predictions of flow transitions agreed reasonably well with observations.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInstitution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 1992
Event3rd UK National Conference incorporating 1st European Conference on Thermal Sciences - Birmingham, Engl
Duration: 16 Sept 199218 Sept 1992


Conference3rd UK National Conference incorporating 1st European Conference on Thermal Sciences
CityBirmingham, Engl


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