Possible Role of Simple Ionic Solutions on the Water Transport Kinetics and Mechanical Properties of Hydrated Lime Mortars

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6 Citations (Scopus)


The CL90 mortar (i.e., the nonhydraulic lime mortar) is dramatically more water retaining than any of the hydraulic mortars. This paper investigates the possible role of simple ionic solutions used as mix water on the water transport kinetics and mechanical properties of hydrated lime mortars. The results show that the addition of sulphate solutions as mix water does not only improve the transfer sorptivity and time to dewater, but also consistency and setting time of hydrated lime mortars. Compressive strength of hydrated lime mortars is significantly increased when potassium sulphate is used as mix water solution, and this is supported with microstructural analysis. The parameters studied in this paper form the main barriers to the use of hydrated lime mortars in construction practice; therefore, the use of hydrated lime mortars may be encouraged if the simple ionic solutions as mix water can improve the fresh and hardened properties of these mortars.
Original languageEnglish
Article number04014124
JournalJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2015


  • CL90 mortar
  • nonhydraulic lime mortar
  • water transport kinetics
  • Compressive strength
  • fresh and hardened properties


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