Pool boiling test on plain and enhanced tubes using a wide-boiling-range mixture

A. H. Tarrad, B. M. Burnside

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Boiling tests on the equimolar pentane/tetradecene mixture at 1 atm over plain, HIGHFLUX, TURBO-B, GEWA-TX, and LOW-FIN tubing are described. Heat fluxes ranged from 5 to 60 kW/m2. A large reduction in heat transfer coefficient compared to boiling pure pentane was observed. Surfaces with tunnel structures performed only as well as the LOW-FIN surface. In all but the HIGHFLUX tube case, an unstable film of tetradecene-rich liquid built up and periodically broke away from the surface. This behavior increases the difficulty of developing successful nucleate boiling predictions for wide-boiling mixtures.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)83-96
Number of pages14
JournalExperimental Heat Transfer
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 1993


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