Platination of [3-X-7,8-Ph2-7,8-nido-C2 B9H8]2- (X=Et, F)Synthesis and characterisation of slipped and 1,2→1,7 isomerised products

Susan Robertson, David Ellis, Georgina M. Rosair, Alan J. Welch

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20 Citations (Scopus)


The reaction of the labelled carborane ligand [3-Et-7, 8-Ph2-7,8- nido -C2B9H8] 2- with a source of {Pt(PMe2Ph)2} 2+ affords non-isomerised 1,2-Ph2-3, 3-(PMe2Ph) 2-6-Et-3,1,2-closo-PtC2 B9H8 (1). The analogous reaction between [3-F-7, 8-Ph2-7,8- nido -C2B9H8] 2- and {Pt(PMe2Ph)2}2+ yields 1,8-Ph2-2,2-(PMe2Ph)2-4-F-2,1, 8- closo -PtC2B9H8 (3). Compound 1 has a heavily slipped structure (? 0.72 Å), which to some degree obviates the need for C atom isomerisation. However, that it is a kinetic product of the reaction is evident from the fact that it reverts to isomerised 1,8-Ph2-2,2-(PMe2Ph) 2-4-Et-2,1,8-closo-PtC2B9H8 (2) slowly at room temperature but more rapidly with gentle warming. The heteroatom and labelled-B atom positions in the isomerised compounds 2 and 3 may be explained most simply by the rotation of a CB2 face of an intermediate based on the structure of 1. Compounds 1-3 were characterised by a combination of spectroscopic and crystallographic techniques. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)286-293
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Organometallic Chemistry
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 29 Aug 2003


  • Carborane
  • Crystallographic study
  • Isomerisation
  • Metallacarborane
  • Spectroscopy
  • Synthesis
  • Vertex labelling


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