Photon-assisted tunneling and charge dephasing in a carbon nanotube double quantum dot

Aquila Mavalankar, Tian Pei, Erik Gauger, Jamie Warner, Andrew Briggs, Edward Laird

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We report microwave-driven photon-assisted tunneling in a suspended carbon nanotube double quantum dot. From the resonant linewidth at a temperature of 13 mK, the charge-dephasing time is determined to be ps. The linewidth is independent of driving frequency, but increases with increasing temperature. The moderate temperature dependence is inconsistent with expectations from electron-phonon coupling alone, but consistent with charge noise arising in the device. The extracted level of charge noise is comparable with that expected from previous measurements of a valley-spin qubit, where it was hypothesized to be the main cause of qubit decoherence. Our results suggest a possible route towards improved valley-spin qubits.
Original languageEnglish
Article number235428
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2016


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