Oxidative degradation of glycine in aqueous KOH/K2CO3 solutions for CO2 capture

Friday Ochedi, John M. Andresen, Mijndert Van der Spek*

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Potassium hydroxide and potassium carbonate, being cost‐effective and environmentally friendly CO2 capture solvents, are promising candidates for carbon capture applications. Their slow absorption kinetics, however, necessitate strategies to enhance their rates, thereby reducing the capital costs of absorption equipment and saving energy for regenerating large volumes of solvent. Glycine, a potential additive, is explored for this purpose. While glycine‐based solvents are more stable than MEA, their amino functional group renders them susceptible to oxidative degradation. This study investigates the degradation of these solvents and the influence of potassium hydroxide and potassium carbonate on their stability. The experiment was performed under 100% O2 at 90 °C and 3 bar for about 3 weeks. It was observed that glycinate degraded by 53% for the glycinate‐only solution. The results also show that the addition of potassium hydroxide and potassium carbonate to a glycinate‐only solution had a mixed effect on the degradation of glycinate. Potassium hydroxide increased degradation by 5% compared to the glycinate‐only solution, while potassium carbonate decreased degradation by 4%. This order is supported by the degradation rate constants. Meanwhile, under N2, no significant change was observed in glycine concentration. Glycine's susceptibility to oxidative degradation is likely attributed to its less compact and rigid structure, resulting in weaker bonding and increased vulnerability to external factors. This instability leads to the formation of formate, carbonate, acetate, and oxalate as the primary degradation products across all studied solutions. A proposed mechanism for glycinate oxidative degradation sheds light on this process. These findings are crucial for informed decision making regarding performance trade‐offs in point source carbon capture and direct air capture, where oxygen is a prevalent gas component and potassium‐based solutions are commonly employed as absorbents.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1025-1036
Number of pages12
JournalGreenhouse Gases: Science and Technology
Issue number6
Early online date11 Nov 2024
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024


  • CO absorption
  • degradation
  • glycinate
  • oxidation
  • potassium hydroxide
  • promoter

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Environmental Engineering
  • Environmental Chemistry


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